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answered 2013-04-04 13:11:57 -0500

reyespoint gravatar image reyespoint

It is a private road that passes through Grace Hedges' property. It is supposed to be secured by a gate, but the lock on the gate has been cut on numerous occasions. In the past the tower owners were responsible for maintaining the gate access, which was overseen by Grace. Grace is now about 100 years old and the towers were purchased by National Grid.

There is access up the mountain for the towers, the reservoir, and the 1 house with multiple outbuildings that is up there.

It is a private road that passes through Grace Hedges' property. It is supposed to be secured by a gate, but the lock on the gate has been cut on numerous occasions. In the past the tower owners were responsible for maintaining the gate access, which was overseen by Grace. Grace is now about 100 years old and the towers were purchased by National Grid.

There is access up the mountain for the towers, the reservoir, and the 1 house with multiple outbuildings that is up there.there. NO ONE else is supposed to be up there and by law (which is never enforced) anyone who travels there should have an access letter written by Grace stating that they have a right of way.