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initial version

answered 2012-12-11 00:22:36 -0500

ken gravatar image ken

This site is for local and regional Q&A; questions asked by individuals, answered by the community, and commented upon by all. Modeled on StackOverflow, karma is awarded based on positive votes on your questions, answers, and comments. The more karma you earn, the more influence you have on how the site behaves.

This site is for local and regional Q&A; questions asked by individuals, answered by the community, and commented upon by all. Modeled on StackOverflow, karma is awarded based on positive votes on your questions, answers, and comments. The more karma you earn, the more influence you have on how the site behaves.

This site is for local and regional Q&A; questions asked by individuals, answered by the community, and commented upon by all. Modeled on StackOverflow, karma is awarded based on positive votes on your questions, answers, and comments. The more karma you earn, the more influence you have on how the site behaves.behaves. We have seen this model work well in the world of software engineering, where opinions and egos tend to be outsized. The founders are curious what kind of impact a tool like this can have on local information hunter-gatherers.