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asked 2013-02-28 21:47:45 -0400
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There are signs marking the road private - and that's my assumption given it's purpose is access to the reservoir for town workers. But it looks like there are houses somewhere up there. And almost every time I've run up the road, I see jeeps or trucks passing me who are seemingly going for a "joy ride". What gives?
answered 2013-03-01 13:10:23 -0400
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My understanding, and I may be off in the details, is that the road is on land that now belongs mostly to Scenic Hudson, the environmental 501c3 based in Poughkeepsie. The Beacon Reservoir is located on one of the roads near the top of the mountain. The road continues on to land owned by New York State Parks. Along the way are a handful of inholdings--private property surrounded on all sides by either Scenic Hudson or Parks or both. Each of the entities--Beacon, Parks, and the private owners--can use the road for access to their property, probably by easement. I suspect that the vast majority of the offroad vehicles are there using it illegally to the degree that they are not affiliated with either Scenic Hudson, Parks or the private owners.
answered 2013-04-04 13:11:57 -0400
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It is a private road that passes through Grace Hedges' property. It is supposed to be secured by a gate, but the lock on the gate has been cut on numerous occasions. In the past the tower owners were responsible for maintaining the gate access, which was overseen by Grace. Grace is now about 100 years old and the towers were purchased by National Grid.
There is access up the mountain for the towers, the reservoir, and the 1 house with multiple outbuildings that is up there. NO ONE else is supposed to be up there and by law (which is never enforced) anyone who travels there should have an access letter written by Grace stating that they have a right of way.
Asked: 2013-02-28 21:47:45 -0400
Seen: 24,336 times
Last updated: Apr 04 '13
Shame this is a wiki entry. This is a practically perfect question.
ken ( 2013-03-05 20:11:18 -0400 )edit