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What amazing properties has Beacon lost over the years and decades?

asked 2013-09-23 11:42:38 -0400

Ben Royce gravatar image Ben Royce
45 1 2 8

I can think of

  1. the Tuck Tape Factory in 2005,
  2. the Craighouse Administration Building this year,
  3. Wodenethe, Sargent's property, destroyed in the 1950s I believe,
  4. the Craighouse Carriage house, last year, simply for tax reasons,
  5. parts of the old Madam Brett hatworks, also last year

I think on Main Street there used to a renowned music hall that burned down around the turn of the century, over a hundred years ago.

There used to be a mansion on Dennings Point that Alexander Hamilton stayed at in the revolutionary war, and wrote this country's financial laws while staying there, while George Washington was stationed across the river in Newburgh. That fell apart and then the point was dug up for brickworks.

Anything else?

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answered 2013-10-21 13:19:45 -0400

pilgrimish gravatar image pilgrimish
141 1 1 8

TONS! Look through the Beacon books:

Next to Wodenethe was Rosenethe.

Where the municipal building stands, an entire portion of our city is gone.

The MTA platform used to be an actual train station in the same spirit as Poughkeepsie's.

Long Dock was a train yard!

There was a movie theater on Main Street in the Planned Parenthood building, as well as the building currently occupied by Royalty Carpet.

On and on and on...

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Asked: 2013-09-23 11:42:38 -0400

Seen: 10,356 times

Last updated: Oct 21 '13