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Where can I recycle electronics?

asked 2012-12-13 13:55:12 -0400

ken gravatar image ken
198 7 17 40

Some communities have locations where I can drop off my old electronic devices so the valuable metals can be recovered. Does Beacon have anything like this?

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Research for an answer has led me on a little adventure and some interesting facts! After a few phone calls, I came upon Sarah Womer. She will be happy to provide an answer and seems to have been up to her elbows in this! I'll let her take the lead and I look forward to what info she has.

aurora ( 2012-12-14 13:07:14 -0400 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2012-12-14 18:12:01 -0400

SarahWomer gravatar image SarahWomer
46 2 2

Beacon does have a dropbox for electronics to be recycled. I wrote up a blog post about it at my website, which I can't link to here. But look at the second page of posting and you'll see it. I'm still working on getting more information about how the electronics are recycled from the recycler, RCR&R.

I would suggest bringing all electronics to Best Buy. Best Buy is required to take all electronics for recycling, and they use the highest-quality recyclers in the industry (E-Steward Recyclers) that guarantee the material will not be exported to 3rd world nations where to be dismantled unfairly/unsafely. I bring things to them personally. While there are other big box stores that take e-waste, only Best Buy consistently uses e-stewards. More on that on my site Zero to Go.

Cellphones can be brought to the following dropboxes in Beacon: Comptech, Beacon Natural Market, and City Hall. They then are refurbished, wiped clean of all data, set up to only dial 911, and given to someone in need.

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Asked: 2012-12-13 13:55:12 -0400

Seen: 776 times

Last updated: Dec 14 '12