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We all get more love and comfort than we can likely stand from the people around us. People lavish us with wonderful questions like "Why is the internet down?" and "Can you fix my HTML?", and look at us queer when we mention DSLs and packet injection. Do any software developers in the area of Beacon long for the non-judgmental human contact of other software developers?
There is also, a group of makers in the Poughkeepsie area.
Mid Hudson Valley Linux and Open Source Users Group and DigitalSalon are the two I know of. MHVLUG usually meets at Vassar College on the first Wednesday of every month. DigitalSalon meets weekly on Tuesday evenings at Bank Square Coffeehouse in Beacon.
Asked: 2012-12-11 10:48:53 -0400
Seen: 2,917 times
Last updated: Dec 12 '12