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Who is "C Vesuvius"?

asked 2012-12-16 21:23:11 -0400

anonymous user


updated 2012-12-16 21:28:20 -0400

Long-time readers of both BCN and know the writings of "C Vesuvius", aka "Charlene Vesuvius" and "CV". While the quality of "her" writing has deteriorated – purportedly as the result of a stroke – the quantity certainly does not. The early works were notable for what appeared to be the insights of someone with the ear of local politicians, though continuous ad hominem arguments and a pervasive negativity combined with repeated idle threats of both legal action and impending media scrutiny ruined any positive reputation the character could have garnered.

So what does the community know about "C Vesuvius"?

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Asked: 2012-12-16 21:23:11 -0400

Seen: 2,019 times

Last updated: Dec 16 '12