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Could Beacon eliminate traffic lights on Main?

asked 2013-04-25 16:25:12 -0400

ken gravatar image ken
198 7 17 40

Take a look at this video on youtube. I wonder how people in Beacon would behave if we didn't have any traffic lights. Is this a possibility?

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answered 2013-05-11 11:53:47 -0400

Ben Royce gravatar image Ben Royce
45 1 2 8

do better than that:

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Except that Main Mall was an unmitigated disaster! It broke my heart. Immediately before moving to POK for school in 1993, I spent time living in German cities, where the Fußsgängerzone (pedestrian mall) is a fixture of central business districts. I was shocked to discover POK's dreary Main Mall.

ken ( 2013-05-11 12:58:21 -0400 )edit

that's because it was allowed to become an open air homeless / thieves alley

Ben Royce ( 2013-05-11 13:42:09 -0400 )edit

cause should not be confused with effect.

ken ( 2013-05-29 16:10:06 -0400 )edit

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Asked: 2013-04-25 16:25:12 -0400

Seen: 16,216 times

Last updated: May 11 '13