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Why is it there? Does it have some historical significance? Is it really an aid to navigation, or is it a hazard?
Beacon's dummy light is one of three that are still operating in the United States (all three in New York!). It is a traffic signal on a pedestal which sits in the middle of an intersection but just blinks to warn and not to regulate traffic. Our light was placed there in the 1920s when things were slower.
All Hail the Dummy Light!
I can tell you for me it is a healthy reminder to not cut my left turn too early! I've seen drivers almost turn into oncoming traffic, and it was the dummy that directed them to go around the light. I'd venture to say it's not so...dumb, after all. It also makes for a unique Beacon icon! A local artist, Erica Hauser, did a lovely and simple postcard design of the light. I found one at Tas Kafé.
"Hail the dummy light," indeed!
Asked: 2012-12-12 11:32:12 -0500
Seen: 64,039 times
Last updated: Dec 12 '12