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What is the Center for Bringing About Peace?

asked 2013-01-02 15:15:32 -0400

ken gravatar image ken
198 7 17 40

I have started to see this around town. Can someone explain this organization and what they are doing?

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2 Answers

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answered 2013-01-03 14:53:59 -0400

bar gravatar image bar
36 2

updated 2013-01-07 09:22:01 -0400

ken gravatar image ken
198 7 17 40

The Center for Bringing About Peace is a Beacon organization that honors: peace activists, actions for peace and conscience thought that promotes peace within New York and the rest of the world. Direct inquiries can be sent via email to

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Is there a website for this organization? Is there a way for private individuals to contribute or participate?

ken ( 2013-01-03 15:02:27 -0400 )edit

answered 2013-01-05 05:47:29 -0400

Andrew gravatar image Andrew
11 1

updated 2013-01-07 09:24:39 -0400

ken gravatar image ken
198 7 17 40

Try the Mid-Hudson Progressive Alliance. Meetings are free; discussions are interesting and animated.

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Asked: 2013-01-02 15:15:32 -0400

Seen: 26,449 times

Last updated: Jan 07 '13